Fitoterapia: curarsi con le piante

Phytotherapy: treating yourself with plants

Phytotherapy is an ancient healing method that aims to exploit the active ingredients of plants for the benefit of man: over the millennia, various populations have used what local nature has to offer to improve their well-being, treat real pathologies and even preserve their beauty.

On the other hand, when synthetic molecules did not exist (those that we commonly find in drugs today and which are often the offspring of natural molecules), the only way to alleviate suffering or even prevent the onset of diseases was a deep knowledge of the natural world: only from here could the cures that man needed come. Medicinal herbs could be both spontaneous and cultivated: which testifies to the great importance they had in the medicine of past eras.

Therefore, even if they did not know the reasons why a certain plant, a root, a fruit, a decoction or other obtained certain effects, our ancestors had already learned to recognize its properties and to exploit them for the benefit of the community.

Phytotherapy in modern medicine

Even today we use plants to cure ourselves, and not only that: now we understand much better not only the effects of plants, but also what they are due to and - no less important - we are developing increasingly effective extraction methods , which allow us to truly get the best from plants. In fact, active ingredients are often present in infinitesimal quantities within the plant world and a truly appreciable action could only be obtained by consuming large quantities on a constant basis: the possibility of concentrating these active ingredients or even all the properties of a plant (phytocomplexes) within a tablet, a capsule or in a few drops to drink allows us to fully appreciate their benefits.

So what is phytotherapy?

Phytotherapy is the branch of medicine that deals with studying the use of medicinal plants to treat or even prevent diseases or non-optimal physical conditions . Thanks to phytotherapy it is possible to increase one's well-being, prevent disorders or even more serious pathologies, maintain the health of the body, take care of oneself day after day maintaining that balance that allows us to experience a good quality of life.

There are also numerous pathologies that present a series of related symptoms that can find a significant benefit thanks to the use of phytotherapeutic remedies.

A clarification is necessary: ​​one could be led to think that, since they are "natural", phytotherapeutics are always and in any case harmless. In reality, the plant world has powerful resources (we see it, in its negative sense, for example in poisonous plants): especially if we have pathologies and if we take other drugs, it is always best to ask the doctor or pharmacist for advice before venturing into the use of phytotherapeutic remedies.

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