Rimedi naturali per dolori articolari: la risposta fitoterapica

Natural remedies for joint pain: the phytotherapeutic answer

There are painful conditions, often even disabling or in any case with a strong impact on people's lives, which have the unpleasant characteristic of being chronic. One of the most widespread pathologies is perhaps that of joint pain which, beyond the acute phases, tends to recur day after day, often making daily activities difficult, whether at work or within the home and family. In this context, natural remedies for joint pain can be an effective response in the daily management of the problem.

A correct phytotherapeutic approach to the problem of joint pain can help keep the symptoms under control in the medium and long term and reduce both the frequency and the effects of the acute phases, contributing to the person's well-being.

Farmacia Tili offers various natural remedies for joint pain developed in terms of formulation and extraction to obtain the best results.

Natural remedies for joint pain, from turmeric to arnica

Among the natural remedies for joint pain or which can be useful for keeping the problem under control, Farmacia Tili offers, under the Dr. Tili brand, a range of products aimed at tackling painful states from different points of view. Among the main ones we can mention turmeric, arnica, Dermomagnesium and Puro Defend Urto. But let's go in order and see them one by one.
Among the various natural active ingredients useful in combating joint pain we find turmeric, arnica and magnesium chloride: pure or combined in specific supplements, they can be a valid help both in the acute phase and in dealing with chronic problems, significantly improving the quality of life of who suffers from it.

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that have been recognized for millennia. Always used in oriental cuisine, if taken together with food, however, it presents a quantity of active ingredient that is too limited to have significant effects on well-being. This is why, if we want to achieve significant effects, the best thing is to provide integration. What is turmeric used for? It exerts a powerful antioxidant activity, a property that also makes it active on the pain cascade, as it tends to block the free radicals that are produced precisely in inflammatory states. It therefore works very well on chronic pain and especially on those affecting the joints. Since it is absorbed little at the intestinal level, supplements must be developed to respond effectively to this problem: the best choice are phytocomplexes, which contain all the active ingredients of the plant inside the tablet and present not only Curcumin 1, but also Curcumin 2 and 3, with an all-round action.

Arnica , especially in highly concentrated formulations, has a rapid and long-lasting action. Very active and usually well tolerated, it inhibits the mechanoreceptors (i.e. the sensory receptors responsible for example for skin perceptions) of the skin, giving immediate relief from pain. Even in the case of joint pain, it can be used as a sort of "first aid", despite not having a profound action that allows it to have a significant impact in tackling the chronic problem.

Magnesium chloride in solution for external use is absorbed by the skin and has strong decontracting properties. It is normally used in sports in case of muscle contracture: it is sprayed directly on the skin and provides rapid relief from painful conditions. These properties also make it a valid adjuvant in reducing joint pain.

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