Colesterolo alto? Il riso rosso può essere la soluzione

High cholesterol? Red rice may be the solution

What to do in case of high cholesterol ? Red rice is one of the most effective herbal remedies , in fact you can get verifiable results after the first month of taking it.

But first let's try to understand what cholesterol is.
Cholesterol is a fat produced by the liver and transported in the bloodstream to the cells. This substance contributes to the construction of cell walls and, in the right amount, is necessary for the functioning of the body. There are two types of cholesterol that are distinguished according to the lipoproteins with which they bind for "transport": LDL cholesterol is the one produced by the liver that goes to the organs, HDL cholesterol follows the opposite path, collects excess fat and goes from the organs to the liver that disposes of it.

The first one is considered “bad” and risks being excessive.

What are we risking when our cholesterol levels are higher than they should be? Cholesterol can stick to the walls of the circulatory system and create real plaques that hinder blood flow (Atherosclerosis), it can also increase the risk of stroke and heart problems.

It must therefore be kept under control. Since cholesterol can also be introduced with some foods that are particularly rich in it, diet is one of the first factors to pay attention to. Regular consumption of fruit, vegetables and whole grains, foods without cholesterol, can be a useful aid in keeping cholesterol under control.

To control hypercholesterolemia , which is the name given to excess cholesterol in the blood, it is also possible to take drugs such as levostatin, a synthetic molecule that promotes its elimination and which must be prescribed by a doctor. But we also have phytotherapeutic remedies such as red rice.

Fermented Red Rice: Plant-Based Statins Against Cholesterol

We were saying that to reduce cholesterol it is also possible to use some supplements that contain vegetal statins. Statins are groups of molecules that act on cholesterol, they can be synthetic or natural products. Among the most effective supplements in this sense is red rice . It is a particular type of whole grain rice, known since ancient times for its beneficial effects on the health of consumers. Fermentation occurs due to the effect of a fungus, Monascus ruber, also called red yeast. The presence of a particular statin, Monacolin K , has been found in fermented red rice, which has reducing effects on hypercholesterolemia.

Red Rice: The Supplement That Reduces Cholesterol in Just Four Weeks

A curiosity: the Japanese doctor Akira Endo was the first to trace Monacolin K and detect its similarity to Levostatin, the corresponding synthetic molecule, in 1979.

Red yeast rice: how to take it to fight cholesterol?

Sometimes it is wrongly believed that a natural or phytotherapeutic remedy is less effective or slower in producing its effects compared to its synthetic counterpart. This is often a prejudice, for example in the case of fermented red rice in particular, scientific evidence ensures that by taking the recommended dose every day , the positive effects are visible after the first month of treatment.

Its positive effects are not only against cholesterol: red rice also has many other properties. It reduces stress , thanks to the presence of gamma aminobutyric acid, it is rich in flavonoids that fight free radicals and act positively on the immune system , it has positive effects on the cardiovascular system, decreasing the possibility of myocardial infarction and stroke.

The effectiveness of red yeast rice is naturally amplified if we monitor our diet and lead a healthy and active lifestyle while taking it.

Caution: such effectiveness can have a downside, so it is advisable not to take it during pregnancy and not to exceed the recommended doses.

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