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Lactulose Sand Syrup 180 ml

Lactulose Sand Syrup 180 ml

Regular price €8,05 EUR
Regular price Sale price €8,05 EUR
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Lactulose Sand Syrup is an osmotic laxative used for the treatment of occasional and chronic constipation. Lactulose works by increasing the water content in the stool, facilitating intestinal transit and promoting natural regularity. It is indicated for adults and children over 2 years old.


When is Lactulose Sand Syrup indicated?

Lactulose Sand is indicated for the treatment of occasional or chronic constipation and to soften the stool in conditions requiring facilitated evacuation, such as in the case of hemorrhoids or surgery.

Dosage and method of use

How do I take Lactulose Sand Syrup?

The recommended dose is 15-30 ml per day for adults and 5-15 ml per day for children. Take preferably in the morning, with a glass of water. The dose can be adjusted based on the patient's response and the doctor's instructions.


What are the main contraindications of Lactulose Sand Syrup?

Do not use if you are allergic to lactulose or have intestinal obstructions. It is contraindicated in subjects with lactose intolerance. Consult your doctor before use if you suffer from chronic intestinal diseases or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Side effects

What are the side effects of Lactulose Sand Syrup?

Side effects such as abdominal bloating , flatulence and abdominal cramps may occur, especially during the first few days of treatment. Diarrhea and electrolyte imbalances may occur in high doses. Consult your doctor if symptoms persist or are severe.


What are the warnings of Lactulose Sand Syrup?

Do not exceed the recommended dose. If constipation persists for more than a week, consult your doctor. Keep out of reach of children . Store in a cool, dry place, away from heat sources.


180 ml bottle with dispenser.



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